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Plug-and-Play (PnP)

What is PnP?

We define Plug and Play (PnP) as a modular systems approach to the development of complex systems such a satellites. PnP is a synergistic combination of hardware and software standards (Space Plug and Play Avionics - SPA). SPA specifies the inteface between a component and the data network as the appropriate place to define a standard. The PnPSat program has shown that using SPA standards in conjuction with a rigorous Standard of Practice (SoP) magnifies the benefits that either provides alone. The goal of PnP Innovations, Inc and the Component Catalog is to solidify and extend this approach.

The modular SPA architecture provides the framework where components plug together and share information that allows them to play as an integrated system. A self organizing, topology agnostic collection of self defining components (hardware and software) dramatically reduces the time required for integration.


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